Issue #64 — Web

Friday 5 September 2014

Hi everyone

Last Saturday Ben gave the opening keynote at the European Scientific Python conference EuroSciPy. The slides for his talk Python Programming in Science Education are available on slideshare. Also all the slides from all his talks in America are now up on his talks page.

Ryan’s Kickstarter project is also on its final week of fundraising with the option to get the parts to make a TurtlTeck robot & RPi Robot. Alex from Raspi.TV also reviewed it on YouTube.

Tomorrow is also the Cambridge Raspberry Jam focus on Robotics with workshops and talks all about robotics.

The new web browser has been released after many months’ hard work from the guys at Collabora, funded by the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Ben’s been working with Mike Horne this week on the new Raspberry Jam section of the Raspberry Pi website – and we’ve found a whole host of new Jams around the world. See below for the next couple of months of events! The new section will launch soon.

Ben & Ryan

Picture of the week


32-strong Raspberry Pi cluster in a data centre


  • Web Browser Released (
    The optimised Epiphany browser has been released in Raspbian
  • RaspberryPi BASIC (
    A bare-metal operating system that boots directly to a BASIC prompt
  • Bus Stop Pacman (
    A playable arcade machine in a bus stop


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