Issue #65 — Physical

Friday 12 September 2014

Hi everyone

Today the Foundation launched the third in their series of animations – this time introducing physical computing projects for children.

We also got to see video interviews with Clive and Gordon from when Matt (Raspberry Pi Guy) visited the Pi offices recently.

Gert released the designs and schematics for a VGA adapter that uses (most of) the GPIOs on the new B+ to provide a cheap VGA monitor solution or alternatively a second monitor for your Raspberry Pi!

CNET recently visited Pi Towers to find out about the Foundation and learn about the Pi, and they filmed some footage for a piece for their website.

Just one week to go before PyConUK starts!

Ben & Ryan

Picture of the week


Build a Grandpa scarer: physical computing animation yields new hands-on Raspberry Pi resources



  • Onebeartoe Rover (
    A Robotic Rover built using Java and the RTK motor board
  • SmartPi Lego Case (
    A lego case designed for the B+ and camera module

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