Issue #38 — Opening

Friday 7 March 2014

Hi everyone

This week we’re recovering from the Jamboree – we had a great time and hope everyone else did. Ben attended the Jam Hack Day on Saturday at Edge Hill which involved many young people working on great projects – and many prizes were given away.

The Raspberry Pi Foundation education team revealed their new GitHub organisation: raspberrypilearning where they will manage the educational resources to be included in the new website. Pull Requests welcome! This was announced along with a taster of some material, which was delivered especially for the Hour of Code week.

Ben & Ryan

Picture of the week


The next official Raspberry Pi product: a 7″ capacitive touch display using the DSI port, on show at the Jamboree (also seen at Embedded World). Expected to be under £50.



  • Raspberry Web Server (
    Tips and Tricks fpr running websites on your Pi
  • K9 Robot (
    William Reichardt built a robotic dog with Raspberry Pi and Arduino
  • The Quantified Fish (
    Move over cats and dogs; the Internet of Things for fish is here

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