Issue #53 — Create

Friday 20 June 2014

Hi everyone

This week at the Foundation began with two days of Picademy – the free personal development training course for enthusiastic teachers in the UK, led by Carrie Anne with the rest of the education team.

As well as running a Picamera workshop and speaking about GitHub at Picademy, Ben has been working on a a guide for educators and anyone who wants to create resources for the Raspberry Pi website.

Ryan has been busy shipping the robot kits people ordered through his Indiegogo campaign.

This week last year was our first issue! We celebrated the end-of-year last week but this is more like a birthday … so happy birthday us!

Ben & Ryan

Picture of the week


A great shot of the teachers hacking away on Raspberry Pi lapdocks at Picademy 2 – more pictures in the blog post



  • PiGate (
    Pi and Pimoroni PiGlow used to validate tickets at the door of a show
  • PiperWallet (
    $200 Raspberry Pi PiperWallet makes Bitcoin wallets out of paper
  • Nook Home Energy Centre (
    This home energy centre solution using Pi runs in the browser of a Nook e-reader
  • Live HDTV Transmitter (
    Setting up a modulator and using raspivid to transmit live HDTV
  • Slow-motion Raspberry Pi video (
    Use the camera module to record slow-motion video
  • Remote Servo Cam (
    Build a DIY pan/tilt webcam sentry and watch it from anywhere online

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