Issue #74 — Twenty

Friday 14 November 2014

Hi everyone

This week the Foundation announced the eagerly anticipated Model A+ with a couple of neat surprises: it’s a B+ with the end chopped off! Since it has a single USB port and no Ethernet the on-board USB bus is not required so rather than leaving empty space as with the original Model A, the edge of the board was moved back to the end of the 40-pin header leaving space for the B+’s squarely placed mounting holes. The big surprise being the price – as it has half the RAM as the B+ (as did the Model A), the A+ is now available at the fantastic low price of $20 or £15.

Meanwhile Gordon went to York University to observe the Raspberry Pi Battleships challenge for new computer science students, and Ben launched a newly designed homepage for the Pi site including illustrations from Sam Alder. Liz, Eben and James are have been in Munich at Electronica with RS Components.


Picture of the week


The new Raspberry Pi Model A+ in its HAT sized smaller profile and with its lower price of just $20



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