Issue #48 — Ronald

Friday 16 May 2014

Hi all

This week, RS Components put out a new advert featuring the Raspberry Pi – and a guy called Ronald who built an incredible fruit drum kit with one!

It’s great to see some Model A/B prototype products evolving to use of the upcoming compute module for production – like the tablet dock we featured last week – and now OTTO, the hackable camera.

Picademy applications are open – so if you know a teacher in the UK who wants to explore the possibilities of using Raspberry Pi in the classroom (in any subject) – send them to and check out the video from April’s course.

Ben & Ryan

Picture of the week


Eben lovingly strangling his wife Liz. Photo taken by Alex Eames on his visit to Pi Towers this week.


  • New RS Ad (
    New advert from RS Components featuring a Pi project
  • OTTO - The Hackable Camera (
    OTTO is a product that will use the Raspberry Pi compute module


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