Issue #57 — Plus

Friday 18 July 2014

Hi there

Earlier this week the Foundation launched the new Raspberry Pi – the Model B+, which is on sale now at the same price of $35. This brought with it a selection of new cases and more.

In the announcement Eben described it as “This isn’t a ‘Raspberry Pi 2’, but rather the final evolution of the original Raspberry Pi”. It’s got 4 USB ports, 40 GPIO pins, a single port for composite and audio, it takes a Micro SD card and the power management’s been improved. The current model B is to remain in production.

Two days prior to this announcement Ben shipped the mobile version of the Raspberry Pi website – so do check it out on your mobile device.

Tomorrow Ben flies to Berlin for a week for EuroPython! He’ll be speaking about Raspberry Pi and education on Thursday.

There was a whispering of information on Twitter about out mystery sponsor Flotilla at the weekend! More details to follow.

Ben & Ryan

Picture of the week


Raspberry Pi Model B+ features more USB, more GPIO, improved power, micro SD and an combined composite and audio port – all for the original price of $35



  • Twin Raspberry Pi B+ Rack (
    An instructable on how to make a quick 2 B+ Rack "Case"
  • RFinderPi (
    A free open-source realtime radio programmer
  • RickMote (
    Security hole allows you to RickRoll Chromecast users with Raspberry Pi

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Flotilla – and octopodes don’t like breadboards –

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