Issue #51 — Lemsip

Friday 6 June 2014

Hi everyone

This week the Foundation welcomes the fifth member of its Education Team – Minecraft wizard Craig Richardson. Follow him on Twitter, he’s @craigargh.

Craig’s first week has been riddled with cold and flu, which he probably caught from Ben, who returned from Bracamp in Manchester last week with such symptoms. The team (Carrie Anne, Dave, Craig and Ben with help from Andrew Robinson) are currently at the Cheltenham Science Festival where they’re giving workshops in Minecraft programming, making music with Sonic Pi and making a stop motion animation with Python picamera. Despite Ben and Craig recovering from colds the workshops have been going well so far.

See you next week for a special bumper edition of Pi Weekly marking the end of its first full year! Feel free to contribute articles, projects and stories – and do get in touch if you’d like to sponsor the bumper issue :)

Ben & Ryan

Picture of the week


The Foundation welcomes the latest addition to their team – in the shape of Craig Richardson


  • Welcome Craig! (
    Minecraft wizard Craig Richardson joins the Foundation Education Team
  • Linux Voice Issue 4 (
    Linux Voice's fourth issue out now - featuring Pi robotics, spying on badgers and more
  • Navio (
    Navio is a drone autopilot shield for the Pi - on IndieGogo now


  • Lunar Face Clock (
    How to build an illuminated lunar phase clock
  • Joytone (
    Joysticks and multiplexing make a new kind of musical instrument
  • Train Your rat (
    Behavioural science at home with this rat/pi project
  • Real Time Orientation Display (
    A tiny inertial measurement unit with a gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer

Articles & more

Contact & Submissions

This newsletter is curated by @ben_nuttall. Tweet links to @rpf_weekly or email weekly [at]