Issue #92 — Eclipse

Friday 20 March 2015

Hi everyone

This week Carrie Anne announced that Picademy is going to the North – there’ll be a free teacher training course at the National STEM Centre in York in May. Primary and Secondary Teachers – and post-16 educators – can apply for a place now.

Carrie Anne and James are currently at the teachers’ day of the Jamboree in Preston.

Rachel’s started work on a new IoT gardening robot project – see a sneak peak in vine form.

This morning there was an eclipse and many Pi owners attempted to capture the moment with a camera module – including Dave Akerman with the most advanced method, on a helium balloon.

Raspberry Pi (forty of them) were on Blue Peter this week – in Andrew Robinson’s Bullet Time rig. Watch it on iPlayer from 10.35.


Picture of the week


Eclipse photo and weather data from a Raspberry Pi – from Matt Holmes



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