Issue #107 — Drones

Friday 3 July 2015

Hi all

This week MagPi Issue #35 was released – and it was announced that next month’s magazine will be in print – available in newsagents, initially in the UK and US. Since the Foundation picked up the magazine it’s had a major facelift by editor Russell Barnes, and it’s great to see it go to print so soon – with the free PDF remaining, as promised.

Last weekend I gave workshops to adult-child pairs at FACT in Liverpool, introducing them to the Plantpot Greenhouse kit produced by Rachel. Meanwhile, Carrie Anne and James attended ISTE in Philadelphia.

Next week Picademy@Google takes place in Leeds – and Monday is the deadline for all Astro Pi competition entries.


Picture of the week


Autonomous interactive mechanical installation using military drone strike data



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To celebrate the 4th of July holiday, here at Pi Supply we are offering 10% off all purchases on the website until Midnight (BST) on Monday 6th July using the code 4JULY15 at checkout. Worldwide shipping available!

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