Issue #50 — Usage

Friday 30 May 2014

Hi all

This, our fiftieth issue of Pi Weekly comes to you a few days late due to the general busy nature of Ben and Ryan.

This weekend Ben headed North for the Manchester Girl Geeks Barcamp, affectionately known as Bracamp. A very enjoyable event of talks, discussions and demos – Ben and Rachel put on a stand promoting Raspberry Pi.

This week the Raspberry Pi education team is running workshops at the Cheltenham Science Festival, from Thursday to Saturday.

Ben & Ryan

Picture of the week


The calm before the storm – the Raspberry Pi stall at Maker Faire San Francisco



  • Dynamic NFC Tag (
    Two-way communication with your Raspberry Pi over NFC
  • MouseAir (
    Detect a cat and fire a furry toy mouse into the hallway
  • Raspberry Pi Wireless Router (
    How to transform a Pi into a wireless router
  • Raspberry Pi Reading the News (
    A Pi reading the news with lynx browser and festival text-to-speech
  • Party Buzzer (
    Making Your apartment buzzer party friendly with Raspberry Pi and Twilio
  • The Watchmen (
    Interactive sculptures that generate sound based on environment changes

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This newsletter is curated by @ben_nuttall. Tweet links to @rpf_weekly or email weekly [at]