Issue #89 — Magazine

Friday 27 February 2015

Hi all

Today the Foundation announced that the MagPi team have handed over the community magazine to be run in-house, taking the magazine to a professional level. It’s still a free monthly PDF, but they hope to see it in the high street shops in day in some form. Download Issue 31 now!

Rachel and I also announced a new programme for young people: Raspberry Pi Creative Technologists. It’s a funded 12-month programme for 16-21 year olds to explore creative projects with technology and applications are now open.

I’m currently at NorDevCon – a developer conference in Norwich – speaking on the business track about how Raspberry Pi funds itself.

To those of you attending the Raspberry Pi birthday party this weekend – see you there!

Thanks to new sponsors PiJuice!


Picture of the week


Jason Barnett gets a limited edition blue Raspberry Pi as a wedding present from his new wife Jenn!



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PiJuice is an exciting new platform for portable Raspberry Pi projects now funding on Kickstarter. PiJuice is an affordable and well designed power supply system that can be used within portable projects, as a UPS or for anything else you dream up. It also features an on board RTC, programmable LED, an MCU with deep sleep and remote wake functionality and much more. There is even a solar option for truly remote, off-grid projects. Visit for more details and use #ProjectPiJuice on Twitter to show your support!

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This newsletter is curated by @ben_nuttall. Tweet links to @rpf_weekly or email weekly [at]