Issue #88 — Five

Friday 20 February 2015

Hi there

The Raspberry Pi 2 is going well – sales hit 500,000 this week taking the total over 5 million. This means roughly 10% of all Raspberry Pis sold are now the new model.

This week the Foundation held Picademy #7 at its offices in Cambridge, training 25 more teachers in using the Pi in creative and exciting ways in the classroom.

Sam Aaron posted a sneak peak of a new addition to Sonic Pi – interaction with Minecraft Pi, which will be a really interesting development integrating live coding music and the virtual world of Minecraft.


Picture of the week


A sneak peak from Sam Aaron: live coding music and the virtual world of Minecraft from Sonic Pi


  • Five Million Sold (
    Raspberry Pi sales pass the 5 million mark
  • Astro Pi Mission (
    Updates on the Astro Pi space mission from Dave Honess
  • Principia Grant Scheme (
    £100k funding available for education and outreach with Astro Pi
  • OpenPi (
    Wireless Raspberry Pi compute module based computer kit


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