Issue #9 — Festival

Friday 16 August 2013

Hi everyone

Congratulations to Tom Hartley and Louis Brent-Carpenter for winning ‘Best In Show’ at Young Rewired State Festival of Code with their PiCycle – a bike with navigation, GPS tracking and disco mode – powered by Raspberry Pi. Ben was lucky enough to see their presentation on Sunday in Birmingham, and along with the judges (Ashley Williams, Thomas Grassl, Aral Balkan and Conrad Wolfram), was extremely impressed with the hack.

One of the teams Ben worked with at Madlab,, won ‘Best Use of Code’ with their simulation of a virus spreading in a school. Well done to all teams who took part, and a huge thanks to Emma Mulqueeny and the organisers, as well as all centre staff, heat judges and other volunteers. It was an amazing week. We urge you to take a look at YRS 2014.

An upcoming event in the North West you may be interested in is Oggcamp – an awesome free culture unconference on 19-20th October, in Liverpool.

Ben is holding the 14th Manchester Raspberry Jam tomorrow. If there’s no Jam where you are – why not shout up on Twitter or head over to the forums to see who’s interested in starting one. Make sure it’s about hacking (not just talking), and that it’s suitable for all ages and abilities and you’ll be off to a great start.

Ryan has also just launched Version 2 of Rastrack today which features a brand new design, faster loading speed and the feature of you being able to be notified of Raspberry Jams near you.

Oh and today is Debian’s 20th Birthday!

Thanks for reading

Ben & Ryan

Picture of the week


Presentations at the YRS Festival of Code 2013 at the Custard Factory in Birmingham



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